Amerex Corporation B385TS Amerex 2-1/2 Pound Halotron I Fire Extinguisher With Aluminum Valve And Vehicle Bracket

Amerex Corporation B385TS Amerex 2-1/2 Pound Halotron I Fire Extinguisher With Aluminum Valve And Vehicle Bracket



Safety Products - Fire Equipment - Fire Extinguishers


Amerex Corporation B385TS Amerex 2-1/2 Pound Halotron I Fire Extinguisher With Aluminum Valve And Vehicle Bracket


HALOTRON I is a "Clean Agent" HydroChloroFluoroCarbon (HCFC) discharged as a rapidly evaporating liquid which leaves no residue. It effectively extinguishes Class A and B fires by cooling and smothering and it will not conduct electricity back to the operator. Halotron is pressurized with Argon gas and is an EPA and FAA approved agent suitable for use on Class A, B and C fires. It has a low GWP of 0.04 - 0.24, low ODP of 0.014 (twelve times lower than the EPA maximum allowable ODP of 0.20) and a low Atmospheric Lifetime (3½ to 11 years). Halotron is intended for use in areas formerly protected by Halon 1211 hand portable extinguishers such as computer rooms, telecommunications facilities, clean rooms, data storage areas, offices (for protection of sensitive electronic equipment), boats and vehicles.




Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction E P A approved " Clean Agent" for Class A, B and C hazards Low G W P ( Global Warming Potential) Low O D P ( Ozone Depleting Potential) Short atmospheric lifetime Leaves no residue Maximum visibility during discharge No electrical conductivity back to the operator No thermal or static shock Bar Coded and Bi- Lingual Labels




Manufactured and tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000/ISO-14002:2004 Certified UL listed and USCG approved


*This item is not returnable due to the volatility of the item. Certain documentation is required to accompany all shipments containing this item. Additional handling charges apply*


Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety


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