BW Technologies BWC2-H GasAlertClip Extreme Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Single-Gas Detector

BW Technologies BWC2-H GasAlertClip Extreme Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Single-Gas Detector



This gas detector is the next generation of BW Honeywell's GasAlert Clip Extreme and meant to replace the older model that will be discontinued later this year. The 2-Year BW Clip H2S is a maintenance-free, single gas detector for hydrogen sulfide detection. Default alarm set points in this device are preset to 10 ppm and 15 ppm. This detector can be your everyday companion for hazardous environments. The BW Clip has everything you need - plus new features to make your gas detection easier, safer, and more reliable.

Just turn on the device and it runs continuously — no need for calibration, sensor replacement, battery replacement or battery charging. That means great reliability and no downtime. With the two-year BW Clip for H2S, you can use the BW Clip Hibernation Case when you're not using it for a week or more and extend it's life by that period of time, up to 12 months. 

Compatible with both the MicroDock II and the new Intellidox instrument management systems, the BW Clip is engineered to the highest standards of quality and reliability, keeping you safe and compliant.

BW Clip Standard Features:

  • Maintenance-free: no sensor or battery changes necessary
  • Compact, lightweight design with one-button operation
  • Designed for a range of harsh environments and extreme temperatures
  • Hibernation mode with case accessory or IntelliDoX
  • Automated self-test of battery, sensor and electronics
  • Wide-angle flash, which alerts simultaneously with audible and vibrating alarm
  • Automatic logging of the 35 most recent gas events and bump test results
  • Compatible with MicroDock II and Fleet Manager II software
  • Ip 66/67- can be submerged up to 1 meter 
  • Default Alarm Setpoints at 10 ppm and 15 ppm
  • Alarm Setpoints range: 1.6 ppm to 20 ppm
  • Detector measuring range: 0-100 ppm
  • Affordable, with low cost of ownership

Configurable Options with IntelliDoX:

  • Configuration of high and low alarm set points before the device is activated
  • Adjustment of alarm set points and other parameters as needed throughout the lifespan
  • Non compliance chirp indicator
  • Configuration withput activation
  • Option to enable the noncompliance indicator, which flashes red when a bump test is due or a gas event occurs
  • Option to display gas reading during alarm
  • User settable bump test reminder
  • 7-8 sec Bump test with no more than 1 minute purge
  • Option to display the Real Time Clock

Use the unique advanced technology for safety compliance and productivity:

  • Unique dual reservoir sensor design dramatically improves instrument performance, response time, and longevity compared to traditional electrochemical sensors and consistently delivers reliable instrument performance under the harshest environmental conditions
  • Reflex Technology advanced automated self-test function routinely checks the operating condition of the sensor to increase safety, up-time, and overall worker confidence

IntelliDoX instrument management system is the quickest bump test in the industry with configuration of alarm set points. It can perform different tests for up to five BW Clip detectors at once for maximum productivity with easy and accurate record-keeping.

BW Clip Specifications:

  • Weight: 0.6 lbs.
  • Temperature: -40 to 122 Degrees F
  • Humidity: 5 - 95 percent RH (non-condensing)
  • Alarms: Visual, vibrating, and audible
  • Typical Battery Life: Two years

Part Number:
BWC2-H 2 Year H2S 10-15

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