Safety Products - Ergonomics & Fall Protection - Fall Protection
DBI/SALA 1113133 Capital Safety DBI-SALA 2X EXOFIT NEX Full Body Construction Style Harness With Back And Side D-Rings, Locking Quick Connect Buckles, Repel Webbing, Breakaway Lanyard Keepers, Trauma Straps And Sewn-In Hip Pad And Body Belt
ExoFit NEX harnesses are the newest, most advanced harnesses in the inudstry. They're the culmination of our experience with ExoFit and ExoFit XP, ongoing research and the incorporation of new materials and innovative features. When you purchase an ExoFit NEX harness, you can be certain that you're purchasing the finest harness available today, from DBI-SALA or anyone else.
C O M F O R T - True to our N E X T mission, we manufacture these harnesses using materials that won't add unnecessary weight.
F U N C T I O N - When speed and efficiency are project requirements, Exo Fit N E X T will provide the freedom and confidence to function at your maximum potential.
D U R A B I L I T Y - Exo Fit N E X harnesses are designed using materials that last.
R E V O L V E R V E R T I C A L T O R S O A D J U S T E R S - Simple and fast adjustments that eliminate losse ends and lock into place, preventing slippage.
H Y B R I D C O M F O R T P A D D I N G - Lightweight, moisture wicking and breathable padding won't move or slip, always keeping the wearer comfortable.
T E C H- L I T E A L U M I N U M D- R I N G S - Extremely lightweight alloy commonly used in military and aerospace offers a higher level of security and comfort.
I N T E G R A T E D T R A U M A S T R A P S - Provide an adjustable, continuous loop for post fall, minimizing suspension trauma.
D U O- L O K Q U I C K C O N N E C T B U C K L E S - Lightweight one-handed use with memory-fit web-lock ensures fast, non-slipping connections.
P R O T E C T I V E S H O U L D E R C A P S - Provide protection and comfort when carrying heavy materials.
M O L D E D L A N Y A R D K E E P E R S - Easy holstered snap hooks break away to avoid trip hazard.
R E F L E C T I V E M A T E R I A L - For greater visibility in dark and dangerous environments, reflective material is integrated on legs, chest, shoulders and back.
B U I L T- I N C A R R Y I N G P O C K E T - Conveniently holds and protects a cell phone, camera or other items.
R E P E L T E C H N O L O G Y W E B B I N G - Water repellent to reduce attraction of mold and dirt - also has up to 5 times more abrasion resistance.
S T A N D- U P D O R S A L D- R I N G - Patented spring-loaded design automatically stands-up, ensuring fast, easy and safe connections to your fall arrest system.
Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety