Honeywell 127003 North Bloodborn Pathogens Spill Cleanup Kit

Honeywell 127003 North Bloodborn Pathogens Spill Cleanup Kit


Safety Products - First Aid - Biosafety


Honeywell 127003 North Bloodborn Pathogens Spill Cleanup Kit


The Center for Disease Control has recommended that all body fluids be treated as a potentially infectious material. North Vital 1 products, containing chlorinated absorbent beads, provide a fast, efficient method of absorption and disposal of body fluids. Both the Flat Pack and Econo-Kit contain everything needed to clean-up and dispose of a two gallon spill. The shaker bottle contains enough chlorinated absorbent beads to gel five gallons of fluid.




Contains chlorinated absorbent beads. Contain everything needed to clean-up and dispose of a two gallon spill.




Provides a fast, efficient method of absorption and disposal of body fluids.


Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety


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