Kimberly-Clark Professional 10029 Kimberly-Clark Large White KleenGuard* A20 Microforce Disposable Labcoat With Snap Front Closu

Kimberly-Clark Professional 10029 Kimberly-Clark Large White KleenGuard* A20 Microforce Disposable Labcoat With Snap Front Closu


Safety Products - Clothing - Disposable Clothing


Kimberly-Clark Professional 10029 Kimberly-Clark Large White KleenGuard* A20 Microforce Disposable Labcoat With Snap Front Closure (25 Per Case)


Kleenguard A20 Lab coat is made from a patented MICROFORCE Barrier SMS fabric offering excellent barrier protection from submicron size particles as small as 0.26 micrometers. Strong and abrasion-resistant for extended wear in applications such as assembly operations, food processing, laboratories, pharmaceuticals, electronics and dusty environments. Lightweight and breathable, providing long-lasting comfort. Features include snap front, chest and hip pockets.




Seamless front to provide more protection in the primary exposure areas Patented R E F L E X* Design is 7-1/2 times less likely to rip out than A N S I minimums - provides 12% more chest room and 6% longer body length Breathable, patented M I C R O F O R C E* Barrier S M S Fabric N F P A 99 compliant antistatic material




Laboratories Remediation Decontamination modest garment Pesticides Heavy dust environments


Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety


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