Safety Products - Gloves - Disposable Gloves & Finger Cots
SHOWA Best Glove 7500PFM SHOWA Best Glove Medium Blue 9.5" SHOWA Best Glove Nitrile 4 mil Economy Grade Nitrile Powder-Free Disposable Gloves With Pebbled Finish And Rolled Cuffs (100 Each Per Box)
Customers looking for a low cost, high quality disposable nitrile glove historically have had few options. Now Best Manufacturing steps up with the introduction of our value line of disposable ntirile gloves, Best Nitrile. This four-mil, 9.5-inch powder free glove is a perfect solution for customers who require the barrier protection found in disposable nitrile, but who operate on a disposable Latex budget
Powder free
100% economy grade nitrile
Ideal for industrial applications such as automotive, janitorial/maintenance among others
In compliance 21CFR, parts 170-199
Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety