Sharps Compliance Incorporated 62000-024 Sharps 2 Gallon Non-Mailable Needle Disposal Container

Sharps Compliance Incorporated 62000-024 Sharps 2 Gallon Non-Mailable Needle Disposal Container


Safety Products - First Aid - Biosafety


Sharps Compliance Incorporated 62000-024 Sharps 2 Gallon Non-Mailable Needle Disposal Container


The 2-gallon Sharps collection container is designed for point-of-use collection. Safe, balanced handle and wide base make this container excellent where there is a need for transport to and from point of use. Container can also be mounted. Attached lid prevents loss and forms a leak-proof seal when securely attached around the opening. Made of recycled high-density polyethylene plastic. Does not come with a mailback component.




These containers are N O T disposable by mail, requiring the generator to provide appropriate means of disposal per federal, state and local regulations.


Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety


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