Water-Jel Technologies 600U-1 Water-Jel Technologies 3.5 Gram Unit Dose Packet Burn Jel Topical Gel (25 Per Box)

Water-Jel Technologies 600U-1 Water-Jel Technologies 3.5 Gram Unit Dose Packet Burn Jel Topical Gel (25 Per Box)


Safety Products - First Aid - Wound Care


Water-Jel Technologies 600U-1 Water-Jel Technologies 3.5 Gram Unit Dose Packet Burn Jel Topical Gel (25 Per Box)


The same effective gel in unit dose packets 1/8 oz. (3.5 gm) each. Ideal for the workplace, this 25-pack dispenser box is well suited for larger kits and medical cabinets as well as first aid stations




Cools the burn and relieves pain Actually draws the heat out of the wound and begins dissipating it on contact. Contains the pain relieving ingredient lidocaine.




Shelf life: 3 years from date of manufacture.


Safety Products - Industrial Supply |TnA Safety


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