How to Choose the Right Industrial Safety Products for the Job

Choosing the best industrial safety products, safety equipment, and safety supplies for your job site or workplace is an important decision for all employers to ensure the health and safety of their employees. In today's industrial supply and safety product markets there are many personal protective equipment options to choose from and choosing the best PPE for the job has become a complex task, even for experienced safety managers or procurement staffs. The proper industrial safety products along with with a safety oriented culture accross an organization can make all the difference.

Safety Tips:

  • It is important that the personal protective equipment issued to employees is comfortable and fits the workers properly.
  • The safety equipment must be readily available for issuance on the job when required.
  • Training must be provided to make sure that the employees understand how to use the issued safety supplies properly.
  • Employees must know how to inspect the safety equipment to make sure that it is in good working order before they begin work.
  • Enforcement policies and an effective safety program must be put in place by management and observed throughout every level of the organization.
  • In addition to purchasing the right industrial safety products the organization must build a safety culture, that supports compliance and regulation as per OSHA, ANSI and FDA compliant or NSF certified when appropriate.
  • Choosing the best safety products without creating a safety culture or enforcing an effective safety program will not reduce the number of accidents and injuries in the workplace, it will not reduce insurance premiums or employee absences. The industrial safety products and safety equipment available on the market today address the need for legal compliancy, user comfort, and product durability, however, effective management, supervising and training is essential for a safe workplace.
    TnA Safety distributes a full range of industrial safety products and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Industry & Government. Our safety products are OSHA, ANSI and FDA compliant or NSF certified (when appropriate) and include: Eye & face protection, head protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, fall protection equipment, hand protection, safety boots, safety glasses, first aid products, confined space equipment, traffic safety, fire safety, ergonomic support, safety signs and safety posters and gas detection portable gas detectors and calibration gas cylinders.
    TnA safety is able to review your industrial safety supply requirements and provide you with a range of choices to purchase suitable industrial safety products. TnA Safety has excellent commercial & government pricing on all major safety brands 3M, MSA, DuPont®, AOSafety®, Allegro, Ansell, Howard Leight, Cordova, Global Glove, Honeywell, Best®, Billsom®, Bradley, Miller®, DBI/Sala®, Justrite®, North Safety Products, OccuNomix and many more.
    Qualified clients and customers can take advantage of contract pricing and quantity discounts and promotions.
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